RadMED: Providing a
diverse range of diagnostic imaging services across multiple specialities.


Radiology and medical imaging is essential in accurately diagnosing acute injuries and illnesses as well as monitoring the progress of chronic conditions. Our radiology department provides X-rays, Ultrasounds, Mammograms and bone density scans delivered by experienced staff.


X-rays are used to diagnose disease or injury and to determine improvement of pathology. The results are interpreted by a certified Radiologist.

An X-ray is a quick and painless procedure achieved by using low dose radiation to obtain images of structures of such as bone, air and soft tissues.

These results will then be sent in a report to be discussed with you by your referring healthcare professional.


Once at our department, you will be taken to a change room. You will be requested to remove relevant clothing and jewellery and to wear the provided examination gown.

All metal objects, such as keys, clips, buttons, coins and mobile phones, must be removed from the path of the X-ray beam.

Some body parts which are sensitive to radiation may be protected with a lead shield. The area to be examined will need to be exposed but the rest of you will be covered.

You will be placed between an X-ray tube and an X-ray receiver and asked to lie or stand still whilst the X-ray is taken (less than a second). You may also be asked to hold your breath.


Some X-ray procedures take a short amount of time and others may take longer depending on the complexity of the examination and the number of X-rays required.

X-rays may be taken from several different angles so that the radiologist can gain as much information as possible.

Female patients who know or think that they might be pregnant, must advise the radiographer of this upon arrival and before the examination.

If there is any doubt, a different test that doesn’t use X-rays may be performed.

If no substitute test is appropriate, then the test may be postponed and the need for the examination discussed with your clinician.

The risk of harm from a diagnostic X-ray scan in an adult is very small and needs to be balanced against the risk of not performing the study. The information gained from an X-ray, such as an early diagnosis and treatment, may have significant health benefits.


What is a mammogram?

A mammogram is a specific type of breast exam used to aid in the early detection and diagnosis of breast diseases in women.

This quick medical exam uses a non-invasive X-ray targeted to each breast, producing pictures that your doctor can use to identify and treat any abnormal areas, possibly indicating the presence of cancer. A mammogram uses a much lower dose of X-rays than that used for normal X-rays.

Why are mammograms important?

  • A mammogram is utilised for the diagnosis of breast cancer and helps to distinguish non-cancerous problems of the breast from cancer
  • Annual mammograms can detect cancer early — when it is most treatable. In fact, mammograms show changes in the breast up to two years before a patient or physician can feel them.
  • Mammograms can also prevent the need for extensive treatment for advanced cancers and improve chances of breast conservation.
  • Current guidelines from the American College of Radiology and the Society for Breast Imaging recommend that women receive annual mammograms starting at age 40 — even if they have no symptoms or family history of breast cancer.
  • PearlsMED’s radiology department hosts the latest digital technology which means better clarity and accuracy with far less discomfort. A special technique is also used for surgically augmented breasts.

Breast Ultrasound

At PearlsMED, we may combine a mammogram with an ultrasound examination of both breasts.

Breast ultrasound exams are fast and often used to optimise visualisation of the breast tissue architecture and to supplement the information obtained from a mammogram to provide a holistic understanding of the breast.

Ultrasounds are a good choice for assessing lumps in women younger than 35 years to determine the nature of the abnormality.